Keeping with the theme of talking about the services our franchisee’s offer, this week, I’m talking about our domestic cleaning service which is a helping hand for a sparkling clean home …
If you’re looking for a domestic cleaning service then we can help!
Imagine the delight in coming home to a meticulously spotless house, cleaned just the way you like it. Picture the peace of mind you could have in knowing that, come rain or shine, your cleaning service will never let you down.
“If you’re looking for a local, professional and reliable domestic cleaning service, talk to Extra Help!”
We offer a friendly, flexible and fully insured service to suit your specific needs, whether you require a regular cleaner or just a one-off blitz just to help you get back on top of things.
Extra Help will provide you with a DBS, reference-checked, and personally interviewed cleaner who will clean and tidy your house to your exact specifications. Doesn’t that sound tempting?
Another thing to consider when looking for a domestic cleaning service is how much you earn per hour. Wouldn’t you like to spend your free time with the family rather than cleaning? Isn’t it more beneficial to get someone in to clean while you’re working? Something to think about.
Years ago our parents didn’t have cleaners, Mum did the housework, times have changed and this service is almost a must have. Our services include:
Regular cleans
One-off and ad-hoc cleans
Spring cleans
Landlord & tenant moving in/out cleans
If you know someone who needs a helping hand with their domestic cleaning, please do put them in touch with us at Extra Help. Visit our website at for the areas we cover or give us a call on 0845 618 2904 today.
Until next time …
PS: Extra Help is a franchise business. We are always looking for caring people who’d like the freedom to run their own and share our passion for providing the services we do. We’d love to spread the services of Extra Help right across the UK so if you’d like to find out more about the business opportunity you can download our prospectus today!
PPS: Why not visit and find out more?