Spare a thought this winter for your elderly neighbours. It is estimated that 25,000 older people could die unnecessarily this winter due to the cold. This week has seen severe weather conditions across the country, leaving older people even more vulnerable than usual …
We need to keep an eye on our older neighbours and relatives, don’t we? There is an increased risk of heart attack, strokes, respiratory problems, pneumonia and depression. The elderly are often lonely and vulnerable this time of year as the shorter days take their toll. The worry of slipping or falling on icy or wet pavements keeps some indoors for days without seeing anyone. We all lead such busy lives these days it’s easy to forget about our elderly neighbours and relatives.
I have a client in South East Cornwall. She is 87 and has no family living in England. She lives in an isolated area with no way of getting to the shops on her own. Her home is now surrounded by holiday cottages and the neighbours she knew of old have all passed away or moved on – this has left her feeling very isolated and vulnerable.
Luckily for my client she has the services of Extra Help for shopping, cleaning and transportation to hospital or GP appointments. It worries me how many other isolated and vulnerable older people are out there with no family and no support.
Sarah and I are passionate about spreading the word and services of Extra Help, as this is the foundation of our business. We can do this by realising our dream and having Extra Help franchisees all over the UK.
Would you be interested in taking on an Extra Help franchise and working with us to care for those isolated and vulnerable individuals this winter? Call us on +44 (0) 845 6182904 or click here to ping over an email and we’ll get right back to you.
Until next time …