With the long, dark evenings now upon us and the temperatures tumbling, it is time for us to get prepared for the winter months. It’s important that our family members, friends and neighbours are taken care of, especially those who are vulnerable due to age, illness or disability …
If you have elderly friends or relatives, help to keep them well this winter!
I thought it was the right time of year to give you some tips to help keep everyone healthy this winter:
Eat well. Evidence tells us that good nutrition and hydration help us to keep well.
Write a weekly shopping list and plan your meals.
Vary your diet, try to include plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Stock up with plenty of tinned and frozen food, in case you can’t get to the shops.
Eat regularly, plenty of hot food and drinks. Keep warm. It is important to keep warm to prevent illnesses and their complications. This is especially important for the elderly.
Heating can be expensive. If you can’t afford to heat your whole house then keeping 2 rooms warm is a good idea. It is important that your living room and bedroom are a comfortable temperature.
Put your heating on a timer. Set it to come on for a few hours in the morning and then in the evening.
Layer your clothes.
Invest in an electric blanket and hot water bottles. However, don’t use them both at the same time.
Have a flu jab. Flu can be serious, especially for elderly and vulnerable people. A free flu vaccination is available if you’re at risk of complications. Take a look at this link to see if you qualify.
Stay safe. Theft from homes and handbags is all too common. It is important to keep yourself and your belongings safe. Make sure doors are locked and don’t answer the door to anyone (unless you know who they are), especially after dark.
Cashpoint theft has also been reported recently, if you know of anyone who is elderly or vulnerable, perhaps offering to take them to the bank / cashpoint would help prevent this.
So how can we help you or your loved ones? We have a great team of reliable, dedicated and professional home helpers and with prices starting at just £11 per hour (depending on the area) so our prices are very affordable! We offer meal planning and preparation, transport to medical appointments, shopping, companionship, help with paperwork, assistance with laundry and ironing.
We can also offer evening visits, which are especially popular during the winter months. That way you can be sure that your loved ones are warm, well fed and safe during the long, dark evenings.
For more information on how we can help in your area, please click here to ping over an email or call us on 0845 618 2904 and we’ll put you in touch with the right person.
Until next time …
PS: Why not visit www.extra-help.co.uk and find out more?