A Very Warm Welcome To 2013 | Here’s to an exceptional year …

Most people will remember 2012 for our sporting achievements and wow, didn’t we do well? What a great year for our fantastic sporting heroes. 2012 for Extra Help has been a great year too; it’s also been a steep learning curve in one way but you learn from your mistakes and as business owners we care deeply for our franchisees, clients and home helpers alike …

here’s to an exceptional year

What makes us different is that Sarah Jackson and I have both been franchise owners ourselves, so we know how to – and how not to – do things through our own experience. This has made us a very successful franchise so far. On top of this we have passion for our business and a drive to operate all over the country. We know we can’t do this on our own, hence franchising our business.

Back to 2012 we suffered individually on a personal level. My Dad started 2012 in Central Middlesex hospital with Pneumonia and was hospitalised for 9 weeks. He eventually came home in March 2012 only to be readmitted in July and sadly never returned home. Dad passed away in August and as an only child of a very small family, it was one of the toughest times of my life so far.

My Mum, still very in love with my Dad and very much together as a couple, couldn’t live at home with him and was moved to a nursing home for medical reasons. Telling Mum that Dad had passed away was really difficult. She appeared to take it well but inside it had killed her. Mum passed away 6 weeks later in September.

For me, Christmas this year was really difficult, but like they say, life’s what you make of it. I took myself off to St Ives – one of my favourite places in the whole world – for a wonderful break where I felt very close to both Mum and Dad.

Tragedy also struck one of our franchisees whose Husband was sadly diagnosed with cancer and passed away far too quickly. Claire had only just bought her Buckingham franchise at the time. Sarah and I did what we could to help her run her business through this emotional time. As franchisors we really do care about our franchisees and will help them in any way we can.

Claire has since achieved fantastic results with her Buckingham franchise. So much so that she has now bought a second franchise in Milton Keynes, so watch this space as we report how Claire and all our franchisees do.

If you are interested in an Extra Help franchise or finding out more or if you need our services please have a look at our website, call us on +44(0) 845 618 2904 or even click here to ping over an email.

Wishing you all a fantastic 2013!

Until next time …