Many of us make New Years resolutions, mostly in the form of giving something up. But why not look at 2013 in a new way by making a positive change and adding something? Totally change your life by becoming your own boss …
being an Extra Help franchisee really helps with your work-life balance
Making a decision to work for yourself is a very scary and unknown ground if you have been an employee for many years. Having the capital, know-how and being self-employed can all become overwhelming and take the thrill of being your own boss away.
However, franchising can make the transition from employment to being self-employed an easy and supportive process yet at the same time give you the freedom, flexibility and wealth from early on in your business.
Going it alone and starting from scratch with a new idea is a costly and lengthy process and there are many mistakes to be made starting a business. At times you’ll be going backwards rather than forwards and spending all your time and money building the business on your own. Risk is another major factor that puts people off – what if it all goes wrong?
Buying a franchise relieves the initial start-up problems as all the tools are there in front of you to grow your business with a tried and tested formula. Support is another key factor in franchising and something that we have found is necessary in our Franchise process, so we have continued training and support throughout our franchise term.
Putting a business plan together for the bank to get a loan can also be a complex task, Extra Help has been approved by a high street bank for lending to Franchisees (subject to personal checks of course) which bypasses the normal banking system and goes straight to the franchise team in London. This has definitely made life easy for our new Extra Help Franchisees.
Some of our Franchisees have continued to work as an employee until their franchise has grown enough for them to be able to leave their old job. There are no money pressures doing it this way as stable employment and building a business at the same time has given them 2 distinct income streams.
I can most definitely say that I never have that Monday morning feeling of not wanting to go to work since I started Extra Help with my business Partner Claire Robinson. I pick my work schedule for the day. Ever fancied an afternoon off at short notice and you have to ask a grumpy boss and was all worried about their reaction? I remember that feeling on many an occasion but not any more!
Flexibility is what this is all about, I enjoy having Friday afternoons off so that’s exactly what I do. Work and life balance is certainly what you get within our franchise network. Being a home based business is also a plus for parents wanting to return to work with the added benefit of working around your children without worrying about full time childcare.
Claire and I were both employed once and have also been Franchisees ourselves. We are also mums running a busy house as well as being the owners of Extra Help and own a second business together too.
We are normal people that took the plunge into what we wanted and have never looked back with regret. We all spend so much time working that enjoying what you do makes a difference into how you feel every day. Do you love what you do? Do you wish you set your own working day? Want a better Work-Life balance?
We really do believe that Extra Help provides an excellent franchise opportunity, far outweighing employment for most people. Why not download our prospectus and take the first step to being your own boss?
Wouldn’t it be a great feeling to be your own boss? Give Claire and I a call on +44 (0) 845 6182904 or click here to ping over an email and we’ll get right back to you.
Until next time …