The festivities are really under way now and it’s only 13 days until Christmas! I love Christmas and am really looking forward to it this year, in my new home. I have a very small but happy family now: just myself, my three beautiful children and two dogs …
Oh, the exquisite anticipation of having to wait until after Christmas dinner before opening our gifts! But being an only child, my pile was always the biggest!
I do have other family though. An uncle and four cousins, but they are the other side of the world in Australia. It has made me realise just how small my family has become.
When I was a child, I fondly remember our family Christmases. I’m an only child myself, so it was always a bit lonely, but I loved going to my Nan’s for Christmas dinner and waiting as patiently as a child can for the Christmas presents. My family’s tradition was to hand out presents after dinner and it was my role to distribute all the brightly packaged gifts. Of course my pile was always the biggest!
I wouldn’t say that I was spoilt rotten as money was quite tight when I was growing up, but being an only child – and an only grandchild – for 16 years certainly had its advantages.
Yet, this year has made me think about how small my family has become. At least I have my beautiful children and lots of great friends and I always remember that some people have no one at all. What a lonely time Christmas must be for those with no family. Do spare a thought for your elderly neighbours and relatives and keep an eye on them over the festive period to make sure they’re OK.
The homeless are another sector of our society who are neglected this time of year. We’ve all had our down times and some people do hit rock bottom then have nowhere to turn. The homeless charities are fantastic at this time of year, but need all the help and support they can get. Even donating a few tins to your local food bank, or buying an extra present for a child in care, can help in a little way.
The Extra Help home helpers, countrywide, are only taking off the main bank holidays so our clients will be well cared for. However, if you know of anyone who may need our services over the Christmas period, please let us know and we can see what we can do to help them.
Whatever you are doing over the Christmas period, have a great time but please do remember those less fortunate than ourselves. From everyone at Extra Help, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year.
Until next time …