This can be a really hard time of year for some people, something I have taken for granted in the past. I’m one of those people who loves Christmas and the tree goes up the first week of December. You’ll catch me singing carols and Christmas songs at the top of my voice …
we can’t all be with our loved ones so spare a thought for those spending christmas alone
I really do love the whole thing but this year has been very difficult for me. I lost my Dad on the 8th August and just 6 weeks later, my Mum followed him. One of our franchisees also lost her husband at 36! So a tough year all round. I’m sure you’ve had your own challenges this year, haven’t you?
Christmas really doesn’t feel the same this year. I have 3 children who are spending the festive period with their Dad and his family so at least I will know they will be having a good time. I am an only child so no brothers or sisters to share my grief.
It’s made me think about everyone else struggling with this time of year. Someone recently said to me it’s a year of firsts and it certainly has been. This week would have been my Mum’s Birthday – I miss them both so much and it’s the family times which are most difficult.
In last weeks blog I mentioned the elderly and how vulnerable they are in the winter. Please spare a thought for your older relatives and neighbours as Christmas can be a really hard time for them as well. It can make them feel more isolated than usual as their usual meeting places and support groups are closed as volunteers spend time with their own families.
Although Christmas will be a sad time for me this year, I take comfort in the thought that Mum and Dad are together and in a happy place with all our other friends and family gone before them. I can imagine them all having a great time.
I suppose what I’m trying to say is, as we get wrapped up in all the festivities this time of year brings, let’s remember the people who may be struggling and do what we can to make their Christmas a little brighter.
And don’t forget – Extra Help is here to offer companionship and other essential services at this potentially lonely time of year. If you or a family member needs some help then call us on +44 (0) 845 6182904 or click here to ping over an email and I’ll get right back to you.
Until next time …