Listening and Smiling Means Everything | Something that we may take for granted …

As children, we look to our parents for smiles, comfort, attention and love. This does not change as we mature in years, except the difference is, we may be on our own, have no family and the loneliness has set in …

You’d be amazed how just listening and smiling can make a huge difference!

I notice that each time I visit some of my clients. The atmosphere in the room can be quite dark and they seem distant. However, after several minutes of light chatter and a pot of tea, the room brightens and I see the twinkling eyes and bright smiles returning once more.

Every time I see this, I always feel thankful that once more they do not feel so alone and the stories begin to flow. I have sat with many clients and been mesmerised by their lives; both what it has given them and what it has taken away. You do become an addition to their world or even part of their family.

What makes this relationship so special is that we spend the extra time listening, smiling, laughing and sharing our own stories.

“Not because we have too, but because we want too!”

It’s a passion and desire within each of us at Extra Help Rickmansworth. I am truly thankful for every day that I am able to sit, listen and smile with my new extended family.

Until next time …


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